Snow Crab

Snow Crab

Snow Crab - broiled snow crab is the best way of cooking snow crab legs, so sweet, briny and delicious. This easy recipe takes only 5 mins and perfect for holidays and special occasions!


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- Blove's Smackalicious Sauce Seasoning Mix (Garlic):
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- Bamboo Seasonings Box with Mini Spoon:

Snow Crab Legs

Crab is one of my favorite crustaceans, other than fresh water prawn. I love all kinds of crab: Dungeness crab, blue crab, and snow crab. When it comes to crab legs, snow crab legs reign supreme in my honest opinion. They are sweet, briny and absolutely delicious!

In the United States, they are sold in clusters. Each cluster contains half of the crab with its body and five legs attached. These cluster is a favorite add-on to the ever popular New Orleans seafood boil.

How To Cook Snow Crab Legs

Just like king crab, snow crab are pre-cooked and frozen as soon as they are caught on the boat.

As a result, there is no need to cook. You just have to reheat frozen crab.

First of all, thaw the crab at room temperature. Next, you can bake, broil, steam or boil them before serving.

Remember not to over cook the crab or else you will lose the sweet briny flavors.


Broiled Snow Crab

This is the best recipe as broiling lends an intense and mouthwatering aroma to the crab.


Buying Guide And Tips

I eat a lot of crab and have become an expert in buying and picking the freshest crab in the market. Here are my shopping tips:

  • The shell on the crab legs should be orange-red color if they are fresh. It should be glossy looking without any black dots or marks. If the shell is pale orange in color with black dots, they are stale and the crab meat will be nasty in taste.
  • Buy frozen crab in the freezer. They are the freshest. Avoid buying crab legs that have been laid out or on display in the seafood department.
  • Fresh crab has a pleasant and salty smell that reminds you of the ocean. If the crab smells funky with an odor, do not buy.

Snow Crab Recipe

  • 1 lb. (500g) snow crab legs
  • 4 tablespoons unsalted buttermelted
  • Lemon wedges


  • Preheat the oven and set it to the Broil function. Brush the melted butter onto the snow crab.
  • Broil for 5 minutes or until the shells are lightly toasted.
  • Remove from the oven and serve the crab legs with the remaining melted butter and lemon wedges.